Sunday, April 8, 2007


The use of blogging in an academic setting has accelerated rapidly over the past 3 years. As I indicate over on Arizona Econ, I was introduced to blogging as an instructional tool in economics by our colleague Greg Mankiw. I recently ran across:

Guide: Using Blogs in Economics from the Economics Network of the UK's Higher Education Academy.

The article begins with a quote from Brad DeLong

What is the case for blogging among the economics community? One of the most famous blogging economists, Brad DeLong of the University of California at Berkeley, says that blogging gives him access to an "invisible college" of people who will react to his opinions, point him to more interesting things, help him to raise the level of debate on economic issues and bring it to a mass audience. He neatly sums up blogging as "turbo charging of the public sphere of information and debate", which he hopes will make him smarter and more productive.

This post is an excellent overview and rationale for the use of blogging in economics instruction.

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